
Wednesday, December 14, 2011


 ~ Thielen and Maybe ~

I just got an email from the"mommy" of Maybe (previously known as Keelly), and it sounds like she is doing wonderfully! She has some really beautiful pictures that she sent as well, I'll post a few here along with her email...


I hope you guys are having a phenomenal Fall/Winter!! My mother and I wanted to just drop by and say Hello! We frequent your website still to see the status of Todd! We hope he will find a loving home soon! He is SO adorable and handsome!! If you would ever be up for it, I would be interested in bringing Keely (AKA "Maybe") to visit her mom & brother Todd for a short while some day. She is a VERY social puppy, and I think she would really enjoy that. I have tried to take exceptional care of her. She gets LOTS of attention when I am at home and when I am at med school during the day my mother is with her. We have been gradually training her, and make sure she is walked once a day. She has many pooch playmates, and has a special love of large dogs (specifically Mastiffs!). She has become a very curious, social, yet pleasingly calm puppy. I think you guys would be proud! Attached are some pictures of us from this Fall. (not to many from the last 4 weeks though). 

Thanks again for supplying us with such a wonderful puppy! We wish you guys the best, and we will try to pass along the word that Todd is available to anyone looking for a new member of the family. :)

Take Care,
Thielen & Maybe



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