
Friday, December 9, 2011

Having a blast!!!

Last night we had all of my married siblings and the nephews over for dinner and lot's of fun and fellowship. My 5 nephews (ages 3 and under) ran all over the house with Todd and had an absolute blast! First thing I did last night was assemble a puppy crate. And of course, all of the boys wanted to help, so they did! "Help". :) No really, we had a lot of fun. When we were done, Scott (1 year old) decided to climb inside. After that they all took turns crawling in there. The puppy had lot's of fun watching from the outside. :)

David and Scott

Left to right: Todd, David, Scott

Mathias barking "Ruf ruf".

Isn't there something wrong with this picture? :)

Not the greatest picture...but CUTE!

The boys were pretending Todd was a deer...he was
paying absolutely no attention.

Scotty reading to Todd...

They completely tired him out. :)

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