
Monday, October 31, 2011


Here is an email from Angel's (previously known as Kit) new "mommy". Sounds like this little lady is really living up to her name!

Hello Ruth  
Sorry this took so long! Her new name is Angel and to be honest she has been nothing but an Angel since she was put into my arms. We love her so much and she loves all her playmates! Have to say she has been the calmest puppy and sooo smart has never messed in her crate ....just amazing! Will keep in contact and send updates. Thanks again for blessing us with such a beautiful puppy!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

2 little men...

Here are our "two little men". They are the only male's we own, even if they are little puppies, and for sale, but it's still fun to say it. :) They are so precious and affectionate, we always pick them up and marvel at what good "holding puppies" they are, they love being held and always cuddle in so well without squirming and trying to jump down. I can't wait for them to have families of their own, but until then we're having so much fun with them ourselves! 

Gorgeous Todd




Both Todd and Stanley were letting
Faith give them rides on the swing,
it was so cute!

Adorable Stanley





Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Little Plaid Jacket

Okay really, we don't normally dress our dogs in clothing, but this I couldn't resist. We love shopping at second-hand stores and were at one recently when we saw this adorable little plaid puppy jacket that was very cheap and super cute. We bought it, put it on the boys and they actually didn't seem to mind it at all. (These pups do really well with new experiences we've found.) The first time we tried it on Todd we all burst into laughter. There was Todd, just sitting calmly in it, totally resigned to his fate. :) Then we put it on Stanley too, and laughed some more. It was just too cute!

So here it is, the little plaid jacket.






Stanley laid here FOREVER getting
a belly rub from Carl. It was so cute!

Todd calmly posing and showing off his beautiful build. 

Friday, October 21, 2011


Cooper (previously known as Myles around here) is fitting in just perfectly in his new home. Here is another email and a couple adorable pictures that I just had to post. :) 

Cooper had his first vet appointment today! He is doing so well! He also starts his first puppy class in a couple weeks! Thank you!
Cooper, Alyssa & Brandon

Okay, is this not the cutest thing you
have ever seen in your life?!?!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

At the park

We went on a walk to the park with our two little guys that are FOR SALE. It was a beautiful Fall afternoon, we thought that we'd give the pups a little fun, exercise, leash training and socialization, but we enjoyed it just as much as the "boys" did (as they are fondly called around here)! Here are some pictures from our day...

Todd is such a calm little man, and he
always  poses like a pro when we
need him to!



Stanley is such a laid back
boy, we put him in the swing and
he just sat there quietly while we snapped
a few pictures. :)
Going home.
Her pal...his pal.
Walking off into the sunset with our little men...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Myles ~ Sold

Myles (now Cooper) went to live with his new family in Massachusetts a couple days ago, and I hear that he is doing great! Here is an email and some pictures from his new owners...

Thanks so much for our wonderful new addition. We love Myles (now Cooper) so much already, he is a wonderful dog. We will keep you updated on how he's doing and send more pictures sometime soon! Thanks again!
- Alyssa & Brandon

Sunday, October 9, 2011

One Fall Day

We took Stanley and Todd on a little walk and romp a couple of days ago, it was so gorgeous out. These guys are so fun, they are the perfect mixture of calm and playfulness. They are also great in the house, and we have even started on some simple basic obedience commands with them! These puppies are going to make their future owners smile and smile...

Needless to say, these pups
are totally used to being
 handled by little hands! :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Only 2 Left!!!

We only have 2 puppies left from this litter, and are they ever cute! They will make amazing family companions or even hunting dogs and will bring joy to your life that only puppy kisses can give. :) Click HERE and reserve your new little buddy today!

Todd and Stanley

Knox in New Jersey

Knox is in his new home in New Jersey as of yesterday! Here is an email from his new mommy.

Knox is in NJ safe and sound....he is beautiful!!!!! What a good boy....we are having a blast with him.  No one wants to go to bed! Talk to you soon.....Michele

Monday, October 3, 2011

Keelly here was having a great time playing with Roger right before she left. Actually, Roger was having a pretty good time himself. :) They were so adorable! I love how our puppies are so good with kids.