
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Leopold ~ Sold

We said good bye to Leopold today and sent him off to Pennsylvania to be with his new family. We were sad to see him go, we got so attached to that little guy! But we are always so happy when our puppies go to a good home (as I'm confident Leopold has!). Leopold (now Ridley) is getting along just wonderfully in his new home, in their own words... "Oh he is just wonderful. He is a chubby little bugger but so sweet and kind. He also listens very well. We just love him and will follow up with his progress!!". Congratulations Sam and family! 

(was Leopold)

Saturday, April 23, 2011


At 18 weeks old our two remaining male pups are still adorable, and highly trainable. I really love this age. They are still puppies so are still so cute, but they are at an age now where they can be trained much easier than if they were, say, seven weeks old. :) We are still working with them on basic obedience commands and some house training. They are both doing excellent! Here are a few pictures of each of them. Don't you need a sweet, lifelong companion?


Clyde loves people and is always so
willing to learn. He is very sweet, energetic and
fun to have around. Clyde would make a wonderful
family companion and has the looks of a show dog,
but we all think that he would really make an awesome hunting
dog as well. He has a strong retrieving instinct and is so highly
trainable, eager to please and athletic that hunting would be right up his alley.
Clyde is just waiting for a forever home!!


Leopold is a cuddle bug. :) He likes to lay around and
watch us as we work around the house. He loves
kids too. I love Leo's build and personality so much! He
is very big, stocky, has a beautiful thick slightly wavy coat and is so
mellow. He, too, has top of the line, show quality looks. He is also
very trainable and eager to please. He knows how to sit and lay down perfectly
and I think he likes to show that off! Leopold is going to make somebody
a very constant companion.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Can't you just picture this puppy in your home?

We have been working with both Clyde and Leopold (our two male puppies who are still for sale) in the house on some basic house training (potty/crate training etc.) and some basic obedience commands (sit, stay, come, lay down). They are both doing really well and are so eager to learn! They both have "sit" and "lay down" pretty much down pat, and are doing well learning "come" and "stay" too. Leopold is such a good house puppy, he just calmly follows us everywhere, and lays around watching us constantly. Clyde is doing really well on his potty training, he hasn't had an accident yet! He loves following us around too.... so curious. Here are some pictures of these adorable pups learning while in our house. Can't you just see them living in your home?

Clyde listening intently to a command.
Clyde responding to the command "sit".

Leopold responding to "lay down".

Leopold responding to "sit".

 The other day when we were at Fleet Farm we saw this really huge bone that we just had to get for the puppies! We new they would love it. Guess what? They did!! here are a few pictures of them playing with "the huge bone".

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Maxwell ~ Sold

Today Maxwell went to live with his new family in their home in Brooklyn Center, MN. We are so excited for his new owners! He is going to have a seven and eight year old to play with, and he loves kids! This is the perfect home for Max, and though we'll miss him, I'm sure he is going to love his new life with his new family!

~ Maxwell ~

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Training Maxwell

What a day! Since we still have three available males to sell, we have been bringing them into the house one at a time and working on training with them. They are all doing very well, and we are so proud of them! Today was Max's day to be inside and have some one on one attention. He is quite the lover! He just sat on my lap for the longest time, he's such a mellow fellow. Later, all five nephews came over. Boy, did Max (and the boys) ever like that! Mathias (3yrs), David (2yrs), and Holden (1yr) just played and climbed all over him all evening long! Max is so good with kids, and even Holden (who is "afraid" of dogs) was all over him by the end of the night. At one point Mathias took Max's leash, put it around his waist and then David took his "puppy Mathias" for a walk! Mathias kept trying to make Max "sit" (by laying on his rump while commanding "sit puppy, sit!!") until we showed him the correct way to make puppies sit. :) I don't know if he quite understood, but hey, what can you do? Overall, Max did a great job and all the kids loved playing with him.

Leopold and Clyde have both been doing excellent in the house as well. Leo is such a calm, mellow, big boy, and Clyde loves people so much and is so smart that I'm amazed! But I'll share more about their training experiences next post.... 

Edison is now reserved and will be going to his new home in Finland asap! Congratulations Heidi and family!! We are so excited to see one of our puppies go to such a loving, family home. He is just the pup for you!